Dear Reader, listener,
We are entering our ‘Season of Prayer’ to help us prepare for mission in the New Year. I hope learning to pray the Lord’s Prayer in a deeper way together will help us during this season of prayer, and to fulfil our vision - the prayer bit:
“To be a Tower of living stones; chosen, mended and built by Jesus our Cornerstone - to make followers for Him, to be a sanctuary of prayer and a community of love.”
So enjoy last Sunday’s sermon - the first in our mini Sermon Series on the Lord’s Prayer. Also, here’s a link for you to the pdf of the Sermon Handout with a Question at the end to ponder or chat about with someone.
Sunday 27 October we have our Patronal Festival - Mary the mother of Jesus is our Patron. Please come wearing something blue to celebrate.
Bonus content: would you like to have a free Lectionary showing you the Bible Readings for each day and Sunday? The new church year begins in Advent, on 1 December. Interestingly, our times and seasons are faith-based, so we celebrate and remember some different things to the world - we follow a different path! You can subscribe free on your devices by clicking on the link:
Or if you just want to look at it from time to time, copy this link and bookmark it:
Warm regards, Andrew+
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