An encouraging sermon to pray and keep praying. To pray for specific needs not wants. To remember that the good Lord hears us just as he heard Jonah from the depth of the belly of a fish. Amen.
Yes praying specifically and daily ‘give us our daily bread’, builds our faith as we see prayers answered! And like you say, no matter the depth of our problems, He hears us!
I think sometimes our prayers can be so general, that it would be impossible to know if God answers them! Praying for specific needs helps to build our faith as we see our prayers answered over time. Thank you.
An encouraging sermon to pray and keep praying. To pray for specific needs not wants. To remember that the good Lord hears us just as he heard Jonah from the depth of the belly of a fish. Amen.
Yes praying specifically and daily ‘give us our daily bread’, builds our faith as we see prayers answered! And like you say, no matter the depth of our problems, He hears us!
I think sometimes our prayers can be so general, that it would be impossible to know if God answers them! Praying for specific needs helps to build our faith as we see our prayers answered over time. Thank you.